Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pope meets another group of Indian bishops

Pope Benedict XVI on Friday urged Indian bishops to take care of their clergy reminding them that through their collaborators they are able to carry out their task of sanctifying the Church and maintaining the communion of the local Church. The Pope met 22 bishops from the states of Chattisgarh and Tamil Nadu who are on their ‘ad limina’ visits to Rome. Such visits are made by heads of dioceses every 5 years or so to report on the state of their jurisdictions. Pope Benedict said that through the clergy, the bishops “are able to reach out more effectively to the religious and lay people in their care.” The Holy Father encouraged the prelates to continue to be at the service of unity, and, leading by example, to draw the people whom they “shepherd into deeper communion, fraternity and peace.” He exhorted the bishops to be supportive of their priests and be attentive to their needs and aspirations building bonds of fraternal love and mutual concern. He told them that their flocks look up to the bishops and priests for a model of holiness, friendship and harmony. Consecrated persons also look up to bishops for guidance, support and inspiration in their life of poverty, chastity and obedience to the life to which they have been called, the Pope said. In this regard the Holy Father expressed the Church’s appreciation for the many women religious of the Church in India saying, “They bear witness to its holiness, vitality and hope.” “They offer countless prayers and perform innumerable good works, often hidden, but nevertheless of great value to the up-building of God’s kingdom.” The Holy Father thus encouraged the bishops in their vocation, and to invite young women to consider a similar life of fulfilment through love of God and service to others. Pope Benedict addressed the group of Indian bishops after his private meetings with Bishops Devadass Ambrose Mariadoss of Tanjore, Patras Minj of Ambikapur, Emmanuel Kerketta of Jashpur, and Paul Toppo of Raigarh.